Actor Shakti Kapoor is one of those actor who not only impressed us with his comic timing on the silver screen but also left us with chills every time he decided to play the villain. The actor has been married to former child actress Shivangi Kolhapure for over 40 years now and have two children together – actors Shraddha Kapoor and Siddhanth Kapoor. But did you know Shakti had put forth conditions before eloping with Shivangi?
During a recent interaction, the Shakti Kapoor got candid about begging Shivangi Kolhapure to marry him on the condition that she quits her acting and singing career. Read on to know all he said.
Shakti Kapoor on begging Shivangi Kolhapure
During an interaction on the YouTube channel Timeout With Ankit, Shakti Kapoor got candid about how he had begged wife Shivangi Kolhapure to quit her showbiz career before marrying her. Narrating how they met, the actor said, “I met her. She was a child artiste, and I was playing an older character in the film. She is 12 years younger than me. We met, fell in love, and I thought to myself, ‘Where will I find such a homely and beautiful girl?’”
He continued, “One day, I told her that my work was getting disturbed, and I needed to focus. She got very angry. I went to her and begged her. I apologised and told her I wanted to marry her. I also said that I wanted her to be a housewife. We had a court marriage. After that, everyone accepted our union. She gave up her singing career and everything else for me. To this day, I fold my hands and thank her for that.”
While Shivangi Kolhapure hails from a well-known Marathi family – she is the sister of the actress Padmini Kolhapure and the niece of late legendary singer, Lata Mangeshkar, Shakti Kapoor belongs to a Punjabi family. Reportedly, their respective families weren’t in favour of their relationship and hence, the couple eloped in 1982. After the birth of their first child, son Siddhant, their families accepted their union.
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